Thursday, April 27, 2017

Learning Target- The students will be investigating how the economics policies of the 1920's would lead to the Great Depression.

U.S.History                                                              Name_______
Mr.Hajek                                                                   Date_______

Reaction:What is a Bull Market? What is a Bear Market? page 732
  • Please write out the questions and use the appropriate heading
The Great Depression: Crash Course US History #33

  1. What is Prohibition?
  2. What two groups wanted Prohibition?
  3. What are the 3 reasons they gave for Prohibition?
  4. What was the 18th amendment? What did it say?
  5. What was the Volsted act? What did it say?
  6. What was the effect of Prohibition?
  7. What was the Great Depression?
  8. What were the three causes of the Great Depression?
  9. What was the Stock Market Crash?
  10. What was the cause of the Stock Market Crash?
  11. What is overproduction? What led to this problem?
  12. What was the Dust Bowl?
  13. Why did the Dust Bowl take place?
  14. What was the effect of the Dust bowl to American Farmers?
  15. How did President Hoover Respond to the Great Depression?

Chapter 24- Identifying People and Ideas & Understanding Main Ideas-page 754

  • Due Wednesday May 3rd

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