Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Learning Target- The students will investigate how the United States becomes an Industrial and Urban Nation .

U.S.History                                                              Name_______
Mr.Hajek                                                                   Date_______

Reaction:Andrew Carnegie- Hero or Villian- 3 reasons
  • Please write out the questions and use the appropriate heading
Gilded Age Politics:Crash Course US History #26

Industrialization- Questions
  1. What are the Three Factors of Production?
  2. What two technologies were done to steel to make it support more weight and last longer?
  3. How did Alva Edison improve how the process of Inventing things?
  4. How did the Government try to stimulate the growth of Railroads?
  5. What is Laissez –faire?
  6. What is Social Darwinism?
  7. How did Andrew Carnegie change business?
  8. How did John D. Rockefeller change business?
  9. How did the Government try to outlaw Monopolies?

The Gilded age-Notes

Chapter 19 Identifying People and Ideas-page 602-Due Friday
Chapter 19 Understanding Main Ideas-page 602-Due Friday

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