Tuesday, March 29, 2016

U.S.History                                                                                                          Name_______
Mr.Hajek                                                                                                               Date_______
Learning Target: The students will discuss the pro's/cons of the U.S.expanding overseas.

Reaction: The Great Migration-page 722


Questions: Class discussion
  1. How did American Society Change during the 1920's? Example
  2. Why do you think there was a change?
  3. What was the Red Scare? How did Union Strikes play on these fears?
  4. Who were Sacco and Vanzetti? Why is this an example of Xenophobia?
  5. What was the Great Migration? Why did this take place?
Group Discussion: U.S. expansion
  1. 5 pro's and 5 con's on the United States expanding overseas as part of New Manifest Destiny.
  2. Should the United States practice a policy of Isolationism? Why?
  3. How has the Monroe Doctrine contributed to the United States becoming Imperialistic?
  4. How has the Spanish American War contributed to the United States becoming Imperialistic?
  5. What did Washington's farewell Address of 1796 warn us about? Do you agree?

Chapter 23 Understanding Main Ideas & Identifying People and Ideas-Page 718
  • Due Wednesday 

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