Monday, February 8, 2016

U.S.History                                                                           Name_______
Mr.Hajek                                                                               Date_______

Reaction: Who became President after Lincoln's assassination?

How did the Radical Republicans try to help the Freedmen?
  1. Thirteenth Amendment-
  2. Freedmen's Bureau-
  3. Civil Rights Act of 1866-
  4. Fourteenth Amendment-
  5. Fifteenth Amendment-
  6. Civil Rights Act of 1875-

How did the South try to restrict the rights of the Freedmen?
  1. Ku Klux Klan-
  2. segregation-
  3. Jim Crow Laws-
  4. Plessy v. Ferguson-
  5. sharecropping

Chapter 17 Main Ideas & Identifying People and Ideas- Due Today 

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