Friday, April 29, 2016

U.S.History                                                                              Name_______
Mr.Hajek                                                                                   Date_______

Reaction: American Arts page 770

Chapter 25 Test A- Open Book, not open friend

Chapter 25 Identifying People and Ideas & Understanding Main Ideas-page 788-Due Wednesday

Thursday, April 28, 2016

U.S.History                                                                              Name_______
Mr.Hajek                                                                                   Date_______

Reaction: Growth in Government Welfare Spending- page 761- Geography Skills- Reading Pie Charts.

Questions: The Great Depression:
  1. What was the Bonus Army? Who were these people, what did they want, and why did they want it?
  2. Who won the Presidential election of 1932 and why did he win it?
  3. What was the Hundred days and what did they do for the public?
  4. How did President Roosevelt try to help the unemployed? Give at least 5 examples and explain what these programs did.
  5. How did President Roosevelt try to help the farmers? Give at least 5 examples and explain what these programs did.
  6. Give two critics of the New deal and explain what they said was wrong with it.
  7. What was the purpose of the Second New deal? What are some programs that were put into place and why?
  8. What was the "court packing bill"? Why do you think President Roosevelt tried to pass this bill? Why did it fail?
  9. Why were Music and Movies important to those who were suffering during the Great Depression?
  10. What is Totalitarianism?
  11. Who was Benito Mussolini? Who was Adolf Hitler?
  12. What similarities did Italy and Germany have prior to WWII that would lead to these fascist leaders taking over these countries?
  13. What was Kristallnacht?
  14. Why did the Nazis dislike the Jewish people of Europe? What did they do to them?
  15. Why did Japan Invade Manchuria? Why did they feel they needed to do this?
Main Idea Activities 24.2-due Today

The New Deal: Crash Course US History #34

Chapter 25 Identifying People and Ideas & Understanding Main Ideas-page 788-Due Wednesday

Wednesday, April 27, 2016

U.S.History                                                                              Name_______
Mr.Hajek                                                                                   Date_______

Reaction: Growth in Federal Spending- page 760- Geography Skills- Reading Line Graphs.

Questions: The Great Depression:
  1. What was the Bonus Army? Who were these people, what did they want, and why did they want it?
  2. Who won the Presidential election of 1932 and why did he win it?
  3. What was the Hundred days and what did they do for the public?
  4. How did President Roosevelt try to help the unemployed? Give at least 5 examples and explain what these programs did.
  5. How did President Roosevelt try to help the farmers? Give at least 5 examples and explain what these programs did.
  6. Give two critics of the New deal and explain what they said was wrong with it.
  7. What was the purpose of the Second New deal? What are some programs that were put into place and why?
  8. What was the "court packing bill"? Why do you think President Roosevelt tried to pass this bill? Why did it fail?
  9. Why were Music and Movies important to those who were suffering during the Great Depression?
  10. What is Totalitarianism?
  11. Who was Benito Mussolini? Who was Adolf Hitler?
  12. What similarities did Italy and Germany have prior to WWII that would lead to these fascist leaders taking over these countries?
  13. What was Kristallnacht?
  14. Why did the Nazis dislike the Jewish people of Europe? What did they do to them?
  15. Why did Japan Invade Manchuria? Why did they feel they needed to do this?

Chapter 25 Identifying People and Ideas & Understanding Main Ideas-page 788-Due Wednesday

Tuesday, April 26, 2016

U.S.History                                                                                              Name_______
Mr.Hajek                                                                                                   Date_______

Reaction: None Today
Film- A New Germany- Take over a page of Notes

Monday, April 25, 2016

U.S.History                                                                                                               Name_______
Mr.Hajek                                                                                                                    Date_______

Reaction: What is a Bull Market? What is a Bear Market?

Questions: Due at the End of the Period.
  1. What is Prohibition?
  2. What two groups wanted Prohibition?
  3. What are the 3 reasons they gave for Prohibition?
  4. What was the 18th amendment? What did it say?
  5. What was the Volsted act? What did it say?
  6. What was the effect of Prohibition?
  7. What was the Great Depression?
  8. What were the three causes of the Great Depression?
  9. What was the Stock Market Crash?
  10. What was the cause of the Stock Market Crash?
  11. What is overproduction? What led to this problem?
  12. What was the Dust Bowl?
  13. Why did the Dust Bowl take place?
  14. What was the effect of the Dust bowl to American Farmers?
  15. How did President Hoover Respond to the Great Depression?

Friday, April 22, 2016

U.S.History                                                                                                        Name_______
Mr.Hajek                                                                                                            Date_______

Reaction: None Today

PBS Presentation: The Great Depression

1920's-1930's- Identify's- Due Today

Tuesday, April 19, 2016

U.S.History                                                                                                        Name_______
Mr.Hajek                                                                                                            Date_______

Reaction: American Literature- page 747

D.Q 24.3-24.4

1920's-1930's- Identify's- Due Friday

Monday, April 18, 2016

U.S.History                                                                                                        Name_______
Mr.Hajek                                                                                                            Date_______

Reaction: Linking Past to Present-page 741

D.Q 24.1-24.2

Notes-  Organized Crime

The Great Depression: Crash Course US History #33

Chapter 24 -Identifying People and Ideas & Understanding Main Ideas- Due Today

Friday, April 15, 2016

U.S.History                                                                                                        Name_______
Mr.Hajek                                                                                                            Date_______

Reaction: What is Buying on Margin?

Chapter 24 Test A

Notes- Prohibition & Organized Crime

Chapter 24 -Identifying People and Ideas & Understanding Main Ideas- Due Monday

Thursday, April 14, 2016

U.S.History                                                                                                          Name_______
Mr.Hajek                                                                                                               Date_______

Reaction: None Today
Film- 1920-1929- Take over a page of Notes

Chapter 24-Identifying People and Ideas & Understanding Main Ideas - page 754
Due Monday